Tattoo training
in Galati
Tattoo training in Galati in the VeAn salon provides the best chance for all those wishing to develop professional skills, which in the modern labor market today are in demand, as it has never been before.
The curriculum is individually adapted to each student, allowing you to get the necessary amount of theoretical and practical knowledge, attending only 10-12 sessions.
If your dream is to become a master tattoo, the industry continues to develop dynamically. New styles, directions and techniques of applying images on the body are becoming more and more perfect. Interest in body modification with tattoos continues to grow, attracting creative and extraordinary personalities.

How to become a
master of tattoos?
Tattoo artist is a complex but prestigious and fascinating job that consists of emotions, creativity and new impressions.
Working as a tattoo artist means flexible hours, decent pay and plenty of opportunities for new acquaintances. If you find it easy to connect with people, you consider yourself a creative person and are ready to take a short tattoo training course in the Galati, it will be easy to become a great master. The VeAn Salon specialists will be pleased to share their knowledge and experience, helping students to master the training program that reveals the basics and secrets of mastery. The individual approach to each pupil guarantees maximum learning efficiency.
The tattoo course in Galati includes both theoretical and practical parts. There are 7-12 lessons. The schedule of master training is formed taking into account the capabilities of the student and other masters of salon. To complete tattoo training in Galati, students can choose the appropriate program from the basic, standard, mini-course or premium course.

What is included in
the training courses?
The tattoo program in Galati includes both theoretical and practical parts that will help students to master the necessary skills for work in this field.
Our experts have developed programs that will teach you to tattoo on different parts of the body in the most popular styles. To complete the course, it is advisable to have some skills in drawing or attend several classes in visual arts. Within the framework of the course, students will receive knowledge in several areas:
- Basics of tattoo art;
- Different styles;
- Professional standards;
- Sanitary standards for the treatment of tools and the workplace before work;
- Field of anatomy - basic information;
- Standards for the selection and preparation of the working tool;
- Consumables, inclusive with the choice and mixing of pigments.

During the training students will learn to correct the brightness of faded colors and improve works that have lost their original meaning and value.
They will also master the necessary techniques of transferring the drawing from the sketch to certain areas of the body and will be able to practice on replicas, improving their skills on artificial skin.
To get a certificate, you must pass an exam at the last stage of the training. This document will confirm the students' successful mastering of the necessary knowledge and skills and can be used in the search for a job in the network "VeAn" if there are suitable vacancies. In addition, students who have successfully completed the course have a chance to get advice, as well as advice regarding the selection and purchase of the necessary equipment and consumables for independent work in the future.

Where to start?
Before starting the training, you need to choose the right course and learn all the details.
You can sign up for a free consultation in our salon. To sign up, contact us in any way convenient for you and choose the most convenient time, which inform our consultants. We look forward to seeing you among our new students!